Vacation Photos
Those vacation photos and videos you took over the summer can not only bring back great memories; but you can leverage them to strengthen your Mindfulness skills and your ability to focus.
For instance, my son and I went on a trip to Glacier National Park in Montana back in July. One of the natural elements I enjoy most are waterfalls, so I took the one-minute video of a waterfall in Glacier below.
Now, whenever I need a quick Mindfulness practice to clear my mind and help me focus, I just pull up this video on my phone, and for the full minute concentrate on the sights and sounds of the video. Try it yourself now…
How do you feel after that? More clear-minded, focused and relaxed perhaps?
If you don’t have any videos from your vacations, this technique works just as well with pictures. Pull up one of your favorite pictures from vacation, set your alarm for one-minute and during that minute focus on all the details of the picture – the objects, shapes, colors, etc.
One of the benefits to using your own vacation photos or videos, other than generic ones, is that these are likely to bring back great memories so you will feel an extra bit of gratitude, joy and appreciation while strengthening your Mindfulness skills.
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