Hot Air Balloon Visualization
This exercise is adapted from a book by Tara Swart, MD, PhD, called The Source: The Secrets of the Universe, the Science of the Brain.
Follow the steps below to practice this Hot Air Balloon Visualization.
Begin by selecting a negative emotion that you have which you believe is holding you back from something you desire (a goal, happiness, fulfillment, etc.). Examples could be: fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, envy, inadequacy, etc.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in front of a hot air balloon. Notice all the details on the balloon - the size of the basket, the colors of the balloon, the flames blowing into the balloon, the sandbags holding the balloon down, etc. Immerse yourself completely in this image.
Notice there is a small rope ladder on the side of the hot air balloon’s basket. Walk up to that ladder and climb in.
Once you are inside, see that it is very easy to steer and fly this balloon, but you will have to release the sandbags if you wish to fly. Look down at the sandbags and notice that they have written on them the word of the emotion you selected at the beginning of this exercise.
Untie one of those sandbags and watch as it falls to the ground and you begin to hover a little bit off the ground. Continue to untie the sandbags and feel yourself rise up to the sky.
Steer the balloon and fly as high or low as you like. You choose where it goes. Spend as much time as you like flying the balloon over the various landscapes you can imagine in your mind.
When you feel ready, slowly bring the hot air balloon to land anywhere you like.
Climb out of the balloon and turn to take one last look at it before bringing your awareness back to where you are now and opening your eyes.