Family Goal Setting Meditation for 2025 with Julie Martin

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One of the lessons our guests have shared in just about every episode is the importance of modeling the behaviors as the best way to build resilience in kids and teens.

So, with that in mind, this month we thought we would provide you with an exercise you and your child, students, or athletes can experience together. It is a great way to kick off 2025. We hope it sparks a conversation about all of the goals, hopes and dreams you and your kids have and how you might support each other in the pursuit of them.

Thank you for listening to the Raising Resilient Kids Podcast! We are a brother-sister team who are passionate about providing parents, teachers and coaches with ideas and strategies to help kids and teens build their resilience and achieve their potential in a healthy, fulfilling way.

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Episode Transcript

Welcome to the Raising Resilient Kids podcast. One of the lessons our guests have shared in just about every episode is the importance of modeling the behaviors as really the best way to build resilience in kids and teens.

So with that in mind, this month we thought we would provide you with an exercise you and your child or students or athletes can experience together. a moment, I'll turn it over to Julie Martin, who's a certified instructor of the Resilient Youth Program, to guide you through a goal setting meditation to start 2025. I encourage you to do this with your child or the kids you are working with.

Following the exercise, we hope this sparks a conversation about your goals. hopes and dreams and how you might support each other in the pursuit of those endeavors. Happy New Year. Take it away, Julie.

This is a goal setting meditation. And this approach can help you achieve any goal, big or small. [00:01:00] It can be a great feeling to realize you are going to make positive changes in your life by working towards your goals. But often those great feelings we have at the beginning can wear off. Maybe because our goals are too hard to reach, or they make us anxious, or we get busy with other things and lose sight of our goals. There are two important things I'd like you to consider when working on your goals. First, perhaps the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to start by taking the smallest step possible.

In the direction of your goal, it's normal to want big results right now, but most goals take time. And if our goals are not achievable or our timeline is not realistic, it's easy to get discouraged. So by taking small steps consistently over time, you'll move forward without getting overwhelmed and second, have compassion for yourself.

The [00:02:00] path to reaching your goal is not usually a straight line. You can count on having some ups and downs. But the downs don't have to derail you. Look at them as opportunities to learn instead of opportunities to be hard on yourself. Our lives tend to be busy and stressful. This meditation we're going to do together can help you feel more calm, open, and relaxed, and in turn, more focused.

These are the opposite of how we feel when we're stressed. The meditation will also help you keep your goals in mind. And to carry out the actions that will allow you to achieve those goals. It will also put you in the mindset of success. There's a saying where attention goes, energy flows, and where energy flows, what you're focusing on [00:03:00] grows.

That's kind of the heart of goal setting. And also how this meditation can help. So let's begin. Work your way into a comfortable upright posture with your feet on the floor, your eyes closed or gazing at the floor in front of you. And one hand in your lap and the other on your belly. Let's start with a few breaths.

And even though I'm guiding you, just breathe at a pace that's comfortable for you. So take a slow breath in through your nostrils if possible. Let your belly expand. Into your hand and take a long exhale and feel your belly button move back toward your spine. We're [00:04:00] gonna take a minute to relax your body.

This will put you in a receptive state of mind. Continue breathing slowly while you bring your focus to your head and let your head relax your face, your scalp, your jaw, and the space between your eyebrows. Next, let your arms relax from your shoulders to your elbows. To your hands,

now focus on the muscles in your neck and your back, allowing any tension there to ease.

Next let your belly soften and move down to your legs, [00:05:00] letting your hips relax, your thighs, your calves, and your feet. Notice your entire body feeling relaxed.

While we do this meditation, your mind may wander and that is totally normal. When you realize your mind has wandered off, just gently bring your focus back to the meditation. So now let's focus on your goals. You may have many goals. Today we'll consider three types of goals. And as I mention each type, I'll give you a little time to identify one for yourself.

The first is an easy goal. Something small and [00:06:00] achievable. Perhaps something you've been meaning to do that will not take much time or money. Say writing a paper for school or planning your meals for the week.

Next is a medium goal . It's bigger than the easy one, but it's also realistic and possible. It's something you have to work towards though. Maybe you'll have to dedicate significant time or save up money. An example is getting a driver's license or planning a big trip.

And next consider a wildest dream, one big dream, [00:07:00] something you would love to achieve. But even if you put in the time and the work, it might still be a reach. Examples are starting a company or saving an animal that's in danger of extinction. Today, we'll work on your medium goal, but the same meditation works for the easy goal and your wildest dream.

We'll start small. Think of one task or action step you can take toward your goal that you can do as soon as possible. Does it feel challenging in a good way? Are you excited to take this action step? Or does it feel more like a chore? Might you try to procrastinate or avoid it? Think about how good you'll feel once you achieve this one small step.

Spend [00:08:00] a little time focused on these positive feelings that come from this accomplishment.

How does completing this step make you feel about taking the next small step?

Let's think about your medium goal. For this, you'll have to use your imagination. Imagine what your life will look like after you've taken all of the small action steps that lead up to achieving your goal. In your mind, see yourself as having already achieved your goal.

See if you can add some details to this vision.

Use all of your senses to [00:09:00] imagine what your life is like. When you've already achieved your goal? Like, where are you Who are you with?

What do you see around you? What can you hear? What do you smell? It may be hard at first to get a clear picture of what life is like once you achieve this goal. But over time, as you repeat this exercise, you'll begin to fill in these details.

Now feel how you would be feeling when you accomplish your goal. Notice how good it feels.

Notice how confident you feel,

how [00:10:00] strong you feel, how powerful.

Notice how proud of yourself you are.

If your mind has wandered, just gently refocus.

You created this goal, this dream, this vision. You developed each small action step and you carried them out one by one. You are responsible for achieving your goal, in your mind, you've already accomplished it.

Feel how good it feels.

Hold this vision in your mind.[00:11:00]

There are many benefits to aligning with your goals and dreams. By meditating on them, you can shower your goals with positive feelings.

Now focus again on your breath,

let's say some positive affirmations to ourselves. Positive affirmations are short positive statements like I am enough. The reason to practice affirmations every day is to help you reduce self doubt and anxiety, to help you believe in yourself and what you're capable of achieving. And it's a boost to your self esteem.

You can say affirmations aloud to yourself, say them into a mirror, or say them in your head. You can write them in a [00:12:00] journal, or write them on sticky notes and post them where you can see them.

But you can also learn to catch your negative self talk and replace it with a positive affirmation. So let's say a few together, and then you may want to create some affirmations that are especially meaningful to you. I'll say one, and then you can repeat it in your head. Okay.

I am someone who makes things happen.

I achieve everything I put my mind to.

I have the power within me.

I feel calm and patient.

I live my life with compassion for myself and others.

I am enough.[00:13:00]

Allow yourself to recognize the positive energy that comes from saying your affirmations and carry that feeling with you throughout your day.

Thanks, Julie. We hope you all enjoyed that experience and that 2025 is your best year yet.

Tom Klisiewicz